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09.01.2012 в 23:28
Пишет danaRia:Full Tom Hiddleston Webchat
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Amar Vijay says to (16:57): Tom is just grabbing a drink. One moment please!
Faiyra says to (16:58): Good evening, Empire and Mr. Hiddleston (Greetings from Germany). My question is: Now you worked with horses do you like them that much you one day would own one yourself?
Tom Hiddleston says to (16:59): I hope one day that I can afford to, but it’s a very expensive habit. Bu yes, I do love horses.
читать дальшеMoJo16 says to (16:59): hello! before starting on war horse, had you read the book? i’ve loved it for years and am so glad it’s been made into a film
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:00): I’d seen teh show in the West End, which had made me cry like a lost child. Then, once I was cast in the film I read the book as part of basic research. I also think Michael Morpurgo is an incredible man, and the whole story is written with his artistic heartbeat.
serena3515 says to (17:00): QUESTION: how was it like to work with benedict cumberbatch? would you like to work with him again in the future? :3 hi from italyyy
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:01): Hello from England. It was great, fantastic to work with Ben. he is having such an incredible moment in the sun, and I think is at the top of his game.he’s been in this business for 15 years, and I remember when I was still in drama school going to watch him in theatre in a production of Hedda Gabler and thinking to myself, I hope he gets the success he deserves. When we were training to be cavalry officers, I think after our first week of training, the first episode of Sherlock aired on television, and it was amazing to be alongside him watching his life change.
JC says to (17:02): Hey Tom, thanks for doing this. Loki was a really sympathetic villain (good work on that), but did Thor leave you wanting to play an all-out total bastard? Assumedly your character in War Horse ISN’T one of those…
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:02): Gosh. I suppose I need a clearer definition of all-out total bastard. You haven’t seen The Avengers yet! And no, my character in War Horse isn’t a total bastard; he’s the best kind of man.
Jenna says to (17:03): Hi Tom! Would you be interested in getting behind the camera and directing one day?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:04): If anyone were to give me the money, and the trust, I’d love to. I feel like, having worked with five different directors ni the space of 18 months, more than ever that actors are part of a director’s toolbox in expressing his or her perspective on the world. And I feel I have lots of my own stories to tell, whcih I’d love to be able to do one day. I’m also really interested in the actual jigsaw puzzle of filmmaking. The visual sensibility, music, editing. I was always badgering Kenneth Branagh on Thor to explain all the CGI technology to me.
JenG says to (17:05): Question: It is a shame that kenneth branagh will not be directing Thor 2, will you be replaying your role as Magnus Martinsson and working with him on the third serise of Wallander?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:05): Unfortunately not, because it was filming at exactly the same time as The Avengers, and Kenneth completely understood my contractual engagement and left Magnus go with love.
TintinarooII says to (17:05): Hi Tom great film btw did you find the filming very emotional?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:06): Yes I did. Because I felt it was my responsibility to represent the doomed youth of a lost generation, who were almost entirely wiped out by one of the most horrific blots on the landscape of British history.
Nihan says to (17:06): hello Mr Hiddleston, greetings from germany, Any crazy fan encounters that you will never forget?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:08): Well, I remember it feeling quite surreal having my picture taken with about 6 lady Lokis at New York Comic Con, all of whom looked much sexier in their costumes than I have ever done, horny helmets and all.
EllenMarie says to (17:08): Mr. Hiddleston, what was it like meeting Prince William? Were you star struck or just another day on the red carpet?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:08): I wasn’t starstruck - I’d met him before because I was at school with him, which sounds like a strange thing. but when you’re at school with someone they’re just another guy at school. It’s only in retrospect that I realise how strange that must seem.
kathen says to (17:09): Hiya Tom, just wondering, if no one else has asked, what is your favourite sandwich?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:09): I quite like there to be avocado involved in some capacity, and wholegrain mustard, and chicken. Failing that, there’s nothing wrong with cheese and pickle.
i-ship-that says to (17:09): Hi Tom. What can you tell us about Thor 2? Also, as much as I love The Avengers, I’m team Loki just for you. So where can I sign to join your army?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:10): Last question first: I have no idea. And without revealing too much, there’s a specific skill set you need to be ni Loki’s army - let me know if you have the qualifications. And all I know about Thor 2 is that we’re supposed to film it in London in the summer and that it’s being directed by Alan Taylor.
redreed says to (17:11): The British are coming!!! having worked on Thor and of course The Avengers how do you think the Americans are responding to the fact that amazing British actors are taking over, arguably the most quintessential roles America has produced in the form of super heroes?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:11): Maybe it’s because we’re cheap and grateful!
tylerdurden says to (17:12): tom, whats your favourite band at he moment?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:13): I’m going to have to say Bon Iver even though it’s kind of one guy, but the last album was amazing. I just can’t stop listening to it; it really chills me out, especially when I’m playing Loki.
BriannaValdez says to (17:12): Tom, I know that you are a lover or Shakespeare (as am I). Which play of his is your favorite? (Or favorites, if you can’t narrow it down! I know I certainly can’t!) If you could play ANY Shakespeare character, which one would it be?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:15): I do love Othello, because it’s a forensic examination of jealousy and power, and the delicacy of being in love with somebody. If you’re uncertain in your affection and in their affection for you, you can so easily be turned and possessed by the green-eyed monster of jealousy, whcih eats you up and ultimately destroys the love that was there in the first place. Also, it’s got some of the most heart-attack poetry that’s ever been written in the English language.
selinavalentine says to (17:13): What’s your favorite country/city to travel to?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:16): It’s pretty easy, this one. I do love Italy, and I’ve had some very special times there. I remember a weekend in Rome with my girlfriend just after I left university that was entirely magical and felt like it was straight out of an Italian romance, touched by Fellini.
GodAwesomeHair says to (17:16): Talking about the Avengers, we know that Loki will be very different from the one you portrayed in Thor. But is there a possibility that by the end of the movie he will be (maybe just a little) like the Loki we saw with Thor before the Coronation ceremony? There will be a little of redemption and reconciliation with the big brother who loves Loki so much?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:17): I don’t want to spoil anything here. Loki’s eternal predilection is to dance on the fault lines of villainy and redemption. I think whatever happens to him, he’ll always keep people guessing.
Expedite27 says to (17:17): How was playing Scott Fitzgerald like in Midnight in Paris? (: It was such a wonderful movie.
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:19): Amazing. The whole experience felt like a dream. We were staying at the same hotel in Paris that Owen Wilson and Rachel McAdams’ characters were staying in, which is called Le Bristol, and all along the pavements of Paris there are posters of screen legends outside the tourist stores. And if you stop and go through them, the first couple are of Marilyn Monroe, then you get to James Dean, and then you get to Audrey Hepburn, and right after her are pictures of Woody Allen. Then you walk a bit further along the promenade and you get to Shakespeare and Company, which is the bookshop where Ernest Hemingway used to stay while he was there, and so the whole experience really felt like a twinkling fantasy.
quentinfrappuccino says to (17:20): Tom, having played Scott Fitzgerald on screen, and having an insight into the doomed relationship that informed The Great Gatsby, do you have any tips for Baz Luhrmann. Also, did you meet the duck in War Horse?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:21): You mean goose? And no. Far be it from me to tell Baz Luhrman how to make movies, but one of the things I did do when I was in Paris was I downloaded an audiobook of The Great Gatsby onto my iPod, and on the days when I wasn’t filming I wandered around Paris listening to it, just to get his voice in my bones.
THFan says to (17:21): What was the most surprising thing about working with the legendary Spielberg?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:22): How exceptionally kind he is. I would have forgiven him all kinds of grandeur because he’s one of my childhood heroes, but he’s so incredibly humble and generous and collaborative, and the most inspiring thing about him is that, at his age, with his stature and standing in the film business, he genuinely is still as curious and excited as I think he was when he made his first film.
Marina_from_Asgard says to (17:22): You have just worked with a really great directors (Steven Spielberg and Woody Allen), there is another director you would like to work with?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:25): How long have you got? I’m such a cinephile and movie lover that I see as much as I can, and the list is about as long as…it’s very long. Christopher Nolan, Clint Eastwood, Paul Thomas Anderson, Jacques Audiard, Tim Burton, Joel and Ethan Coen, Nicholas Winding Refn, Tomas Alfredson…there are so many. Peter Weir too. Julian Schnabel. I’d love to work with someone whose visual sense is very different from mine, but as far as the list goes already, I’m the luckiest guy in the world.
wearegolden says to (17:25): Tom, is there any news about Winter’s Tale? Loved the book and couldn’t stop picturing Peter Lake as you.
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:25): I love that story too, and find it really really moving, and to be honest I don’t know what’s happening. That’s god’s honest truth.
Hetherlynne says to (17:26): What was it like having to work with so many different actors for The Avengers, and did you ever play some Loki-spirited pranks on them?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:28): It was really fun to work with all of those guys. They each have such specific talents, and I always liken acting to playing tennis. The rally that you play with a new partner is completely different, and no, it’s a $300m movie, and I probably would have been fired for playing the prankster!
wingedhelm says to (17:28): So Tom, I’m about to ask you two extremely serious and important questions. What is you favourite pudding? And how to you take your tea? As a fellow Brit, you know how important that last question is.
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:29): That’s a huge question. My favourite pudding is a toss-up between cheesecake - proper, New York cheesecake - and apple crumble and custard. Custard very important. Or dark chocolate mousse. Tea: probably Earl Grey, splash of milk.
Lidy says to (17:29): Hi Mr Tom Hiddleston. Since The Joker, i’ve never seen a better interpretation of a villain. What inspired you to interpret your character? Kiss from Spain!
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:31): Well, in the comics Loki has so many different faces, and the thing that inspired both myself and Ken Brannagh was his mixture of emotional psychological complexity, and the speed of his mind. So you have somebody who’s capable of thinking and strategizing at the speed of light, but underneath that is a deep well of pain that at any moment threatens to boil over.
Charlotte says to (17:31): How would you sum in 2011 in 4 words?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:32): A really big deal.
test test says to (17:32): What is the worst “thor” pun you’ve heard? Been to any “Loki” events recently?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:33): I heard a limerick which goes something like this: Thor’s the god of thunder / he rides upon his filly / I’m Thor, he cried / His horse replied / Then get a thaddle, thilly!” which I think is basically shocking.
JennyB says to (17:33): You are so wonderful at impressions! Do you have a favorite that you’ve done?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:34): When I was a child I used to do impressions of Shere Khan in The Jungle Book, played by George Sanders. I think he’s probably my all-time favourite.
Carmen says to (17:34): You’ve proven yourself to be one of the most expressive actors on screen recently. Which actors/actresses do you most look up to in terms of style?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:37): Well, I would never say I imitated anyone, beacuse everybody has their own really distinctive personality which comes out in the characters they play. The actors that I’ve been inspired by the most in the course of my life are Daniel Day Lewis, Al Pacino, Robert de Niro, Mark Ruffalo, Peter O’Toole, Anthony Hopkins, John Candy, though I could never possibly get close to his brilliance, Jeff Bridges, and I was a fan long before he played the Dude. I used to love The Fabulous Baker Boys and The Fisher King.
quentinfrappuccino says to (17:38): I’ve got to ask you about the incredible lunch scene in the middle of Joanna Hogg’s Archipelago. It’s one of the most brilliantly observed, squirmingly awkward moments in recent years. Is that level of discomfort hard to generate on screen? Also, what’s your next project with Joanna?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:38): What I find very impressive is when actors give a performance where I can’t see the joins, and I really have no idea how they did it, how they achieved it. I felt that when I saw Michael Fassbender in Hunger and I watched Daniel Day Lewis in There Will Be Blood and marvelled at his artistry. But at the same time, sometimes an actor can do very little and still be very moving, like Johnny Depp in Finding Neverland.
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:39): I think I need to reboot my impression. I think Al Pacino is my favourite. It’s the bit when he’s interviewing Hank Azaria’s character in Heat. “Because she’s got a GREAT ASS - and you’ve got your head ALL THE WAY UP IT”
ILoveLoki says to (17:40): Are you watching any TV shows at the moment? Do you have any you would recommend to anyone?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:41): Sherlock’s great. And back in the day I was a complete 24 addict. I used to buy box sets and I think I got as far as season 5 before I realised I hadn’t seen daylight in a while.
Steven Samurai says to (17:41): Hey Phil, it’s Chris! Anyway, here’s my question: Today, Nick Hewer off The Apprentice became the Countdown host. How do you feel about this seminal moment in British pop culture?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:42): I’m ashamed to say I’ve never seen The Apprentice. Nobody can beat Richard Whiteley.
eibhlinbrennan says to (17:41): What’s your favorite guilty pleasure? (crap tv? bonbons? anything?)
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:44): Really cheesey dance music from the 90s. Or a double-bill of Kindergarten Cop and Twins.
Blanche says to (17:44): You are an amazing Loki, but I loved you also in theatre: Cymbeline, Othello, Ivanov. Will you return on stage? An hug from Pisa!
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:45): Thank you very much, Blanche. I’m so proud of those shows. They taught me so much about acting and Cymbeline, it sounds strange to say this, but that was where I found my mojo again. I can’t wait to get back to the theatre. I’m just waiting for the right thing and the right time.
test test says to (17:46): If you could work with any directors who are no longer with us, which would you like to work with and why?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:47): I’d love to work with David Lean. He’s a master. Kubrick would have been interesting, more than interesting. And gotta be Charlie Chaplin.
wingedhelm says to (17:47): Did you tell Chris Hemsworth that Home and Away was your favourite soap? Was it really Eastenders?
Though I see you as more of a Corrie kind of man.
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:48): I suppose the one we all watched in my house was Neighbours. Sorry, Chris. But then I was kind of a later convert to Home & Away, and I still remember the theme tune, so I must have watched it for long enough. There was a day in Jotenheim when he was about to unleash the power of mjolnir on some frost giants, and he heard a voice from behind him, “You know we belong together…” and it was out of tune.
Hannah Yeskel says to (17:49): If you weren’t an actor, what career would you like to try?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:49): I’d love to be a cowboy. Sometimes I think I might give up the whole game and move to a ranch and herd cattle.
test test says to (17:50): If you had your own horse, what would you name him? And why?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:50): I don’t know. I suppose when I met the horse, I would work out what I thought his name was. A bit like children I suppose. I always thought Balthazar was a pretty cool name for a horse though.
Melissa Rocha says to (17:51): is there anyone you’d like to play in a biopic?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:51): Gene Wilder.
SuperEllen says to (17:51): What was your favorite movie of 2011?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:52): It’s a toss-up between The Tree Of Life, Bridesmaids, Warrior, Drive and The Help.
test test says to (17:52): seven people against one in the avengers… how is that fair?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:53): I’m a god. Recalibrate your statistics.
Kamospam says to (17:53): Would you consider yourself a cat or dog person?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:53): I’ve been both, but save one very special cat I’m a dog person.
Blink182010 says to (17:53): Favourite film of all time?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:53): Heat. Because it can withstand so many repeated viewings and every time I find something new in it. And I think De Niro and Pacino are both at the very height of their powers. That scene in the cafe, right at the centre of the film, is what acting’s all about.
test test says to (17:54): I’ve got to ask you about the incredible restaurant scene in the middle of Joanna Hogg’s Archipelago. It’s one of the most brilliantly observed, squirmingly awkward moments in recent years. Was that in the sсript or improv’ed?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:56): It was in the sсript, but as with all Joanna Hogg’s films - or both the ones I’ve worked on with her - the dialogue is unscripted, so it was absolutely planned that the family were incapable of deciding which table to sit down at in a completely empty restaurant, and also that the character of Cynthia is crushingly embarassing in her public complaints to the chef about her undercooked guinea fowl. High stakes and perfect understatement.
dgribble says to (17:55): When you threw RD Jr out that window, were you still in character or enjoying every minute?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:57): dgribble, a mixture of both.
Philip73 says to (17:56): My name means ‘lover of horses’ but I don’t really get on with horses. Can you help? Do carrots work?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:58): Philip, I think carrot is probably the wrong way in. There’s an amazing scene in The Horse Whisperer where Robert Redford sits in the field for an entire day and waits for the horse to come to him. Maybe let the horse come to you? Have patience.
Arileli says to (17:58): Do you have something to say to your fans, The Hiddlestoners ?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:58): You are amazing and I love you all.
test test says to (17:59): Can we expect a war horse 2?
Tom Hiddleston says to (18:00): Yes, it’s called Peace Pony.
kaleidoscopicmess says to (18:01): What is the most absurd thing about you that’s ever been published?
Tom Hiddleston says to (18:02): That I am married. Not true.
Tom Hiddleston says to (18:04): Thanks for your questions everybody. I hope that was edifying and moderately entertaining. So honoured to be here, thank you very much.
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Amar Vijay says to (16:57): Tom is just grabbing a drink. One moment please!
Faiyra says to (16:58): Good evening, Empire and Mr. Hiddleston (Greetings from Germany). My question is: Now you worked with horses do you like them that much you one day would own one yourself?
Tom Hiddleston says to (16:59): I hope one day that I can afford to, but it’s a very expensive habit. Bu yes, I do love horses.
читать дальшеMoJo16 says to (16:59): hello! before starting on war horse, had you read the book? i’ve loved it for years and am so glad it’s been made into a film
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:00): I’d seen teh show in the West End, which had made me cry like a lost child. Then, once I was cast in the film I read the book as part of basic research. I also think Michael Morpurgo is an incredible man, and the whole story is written with his artistic heartbeat.
serena3515 says to (17:00): QUESTION: how was it like to work with benedict cumberbatch? would you like to work with him again in the future? :3 hi from italyyy
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:01): Hello from England. It was great, fantastic to work with Ben. he is having such an incredible moment in the sun, and I think is at the top of his game.he’s been in this business for 15 years, and I remember when I was still in drama school going to watch him in theatre in a production of Hedda Gabler and thinking to myself, I hope he gets the success he deserves. When we were training to be cavalry officers, I think after our first week of training, the first episode of Sherlock aired on television, and it was amazing to be alongside him watching his life change.
JC says to (17:02): Hey Tom, thanks for doing this. Loki was a really sympathetic villain (good work on that), but did Thor leave you wanting to play an all-out total bastard? Assumedly your character in War Horse ISN’T one of those…
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:02): Gosh. I suppose I need a clearer definition of all-out total bastard. You haven’t seen The Avengers yet! And no, my character in War Horse isn’t a total bastard; he’s the best kind of man.
Jenna says to (17:03): Hi Tom! Would you be interested in getting behind the camera and directing one day?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:04): If anyone were to give me the money, and the trust, I’d love to. I feel like, having worked with five different directors ni the space of 18 months, more than ever that actors are part of a director’s toolbox in expressing his or her perspective on the world. And I feel I have lots of my own stories to tell, whcih I’d love to be able to do one day. I’m also really interested in the actual jigsaw puzzle of filmmaking. The visual sensibility, music, editing. I was always badgering Kenneth Branagh on Thor to explain all the CGI technology to me.
JenG says to (17:05): Question: It is a shame that kenneth branagh will not be directing Thor 2, will you be replaying your role as Magnus Martinsson and working with him on the third serise of Wallander?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:05): Unfortunately not, because it was filming at exactly the same time as The Avengers, and Kenneth completely understood my contractual engagement and left Magnus go with love.
TintinarooII says to (17:05): Hi Tom great film btw did you find the filming very emotional?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:06): Yes I did. Because I felt it was my responsibility to represent the doomed youth of a lost generation, who were almost entirely wiped out by one of the most horrific blots on the landscape of British history.
Nihan says to (17:06): hello Mr Hiddleston, greetings from germany, Any crazy fan encounters that you will never forget?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:08): Well, I remember it feeling quite surreal having my picture taken with about 6 lady Lokis at New York Comic Con, all of whom looked much sexier in their costumes than I have ever done, horny helmets and all.
EllenMarie says to (17:08): Mr. Hiddleston, what was it like meeting Prince William? Were you star struck or just another day on the red carpet?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:08): I wasn’t starstruck - I’d met him before because I was at school with him, which sounds like a strange thing. but when you’re at school with someone they’re just another guy at school. It’s only in retrospect that I realise how strange that must seem.
kathen says to (17:09): Hiya Tom, just wondering, if no one else has asked, what is your favourite sandwich?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:09): I quite like there to be avocado involved in some capacity, and wholegrain mustard, and chicken. Failing that, there’s nothing wrong with cheese and pickle.
i-ship-that says to (17:09): Hi Tom. What can you tell us about Thor 2? Also, as much as I love The Avengers, I’m team Loki just for you. So where can I sign to join your army?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:10): Last question first: I have no idea. And without revealing too much, there’s a specific skill set you need to be ni Loki’s army - let me know if you have the qualifications. And all I know about Thor 2 is that we’re supposed to film it in London in the summer and that it’s being directed by Alan Taylor.
redreed says to (17:11): The British are coming!!! having worked on Thor and of course The Avengers how do you think the Americans are responding to the fact that amazing British actors are taking over, arguably the most quintessential roles America has produced in the form of super heroes?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:11): Maybe it’s because we’re cheap and grateful!
tylerdurden says to (17:12): tom, whats your favourite band at he moment?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:13): I’m going to have to say Bon Iver even though it’s kind of one guy, but the last album was amazing. I just can’t stop listening to it; it really chills me out, especially when I’m playing Loki.
BriannaValdez says to (17:12): Tom, I know that you are a lover or Shakespeare (as am I). Which play of his is your favorite? (Or favorites, if you can’t narrow it down! I know I certainly can’t!) If you could play ANY Shakespeare character, which one would it be?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:15): I do love Othello, because it’s a forensic examination of jealousy and power, and the delicacy of being in love with somebody. If you’re uncertain in your affection and in their affection for you, you can so easily be turned and possessed by the green-eyed monster of jealousy, whcih eats you up and ultimately destroys the love that was there in the first place. Also, it’s got some of the most heart-attack poetry that’s ever been written in the English language.
selinavalentine says to (17:13): What’s your favorite country/city to travel to?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:16): It’s pretty easy, this one. I do love Italy, and I’ve had some very special times there. I remember a weekend in Rome with my girlfriend just after I left university that was entirely magical and felt like it was straight out of an Italian romance, touched by Fellini.
GodAwesomeHair says to (17:16): Talking about the Avengers, we know that Loki will be very different from the one you portrayed in Thor. But is there a possibility that by the end of the movie he will be (maybe just a little) like the Loki we saw with Thor before the Coronation ceremony? There will be a little of redemption and reconciliation with the big brother who loves Loki so much?

Tom Hiddleston says to (17:17): I don’t want to spoil anything here. Loki’s eternal predilection is to dance on the fault lines of villainy and redemption. I think whatever happens to him, he’ll always keep people guessing.
Expedite27 says to (17:17): How was playing Scott Fitzgerald like in Midnight in Paris? (: It was such a wonderful movie.
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:19): Amazing. The whole experience felt like a dream. We were staying at the same hotel in Paris that Owen Wilson and Rachel McAdams’ characters were staying in, which is called Le Bristol, and all along the pavements of Paris there are posters of screen legends outside the tourist stores. And if you stop and go through them, the first couple are of Marilyn Monroe, then you get to James Dean, and then you get to Audrey Hepburn, and right after her are pictures of Woody Allen. Then you walk a bit further along the promenade and you get to Shakespeare and Company, which is the bookshop where Ernest Hemingway used to stay while he was there, and so the whole experience really felt like a twinkling fantasy.
quentinfrappuccino says to (17:20): Tom, having played Scott Fitzgerald on screen, and having an insight into the doomed relationship that informed The Great Gatsby, do you have any tips for Baz Luhrmann. Also, did you meet the duck in War Horse?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:21): You mean goose? And no. Far be it from me to tell Baz Luhrman how to make movies, but one of the things I did do when I was in Paris was I downloaded an audiobook of The Great Gatsby onto my iPod, and on the days when I wasn’t filming I wandered around Paris listening to it, just to get his voice in my bones.
THFan says to (17:21): What was the most surprising thing about working with the legendary Spielberg?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:22): How exceptionally kind he is. I would have forgiven him all kinds of grandeur because he’s one of my childhood heroes, but he’s so incredibly humble and generous and collaborative, and the most inspiring thing about him is that, at his age, with his stature and standing in the film business, he genuinely is still as curious and excited as I think he was when he made his first film.
Marina_from_Asgard says to (17:22): You have just worked with a really great directors (Steven Spielberg and Woody Allen), there is another director you would like to work with?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:25): How long have you got? I’m such a cinephile and movie lover that I see as much as I can, and the list is about as long as…it’s very long. Christopher Nolan, Clint Eastwood, Paul Thomas Anderson, Jacques Audiard, Tim Burton, Joel and Ethan Coen, Nicholas Winding Refn, Tomas Alfredson…there are so many. Peter Weir too. Julian Schnabel. I’d love to work with someone whose visual sense is very different from mine, but as far as the list goes already, I’m the luckiest guy in the world.
wearegolden says to (17:25): Tom, is there any news about Winter’s Tale? Loved the book and couldn’t stop picturing Peter Lake as you.
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:25): I love that story too, and find it really really moving, and to be honest I don’t know what’s happening. That’s god’s honest truth.
Hetherlynne says to (17:26): What was it like having to work with so many different actors for The Avengers, and did you ever play some Loki-spirited pranks on them?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:28): It was really fun to work with all of those guys. They each have such specific talents, and I always liken acting to playing tennis. The rally that you play with a new partner is completely different, and no, it’s a $300m movie, and I probably would have been fired for playing the prankster!
wingedhelm says to (17:28): So Tom, I’m about to ask you two extremely serious and important questions. What is you favourite pudding? And how to you take your tea? As a fellow Brit, you know how important that last question is.
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:29): That’s a huge question. My favourite pudding is a toss-up between cheesecake - proper, New York cheesecake - and apple crumble and custard. Custard very important. Or dark chocolate mousse. Tea: probably Earl Grey, splash of milk.
Lidy says to (17:29): Hi Mr Tom Hiddleston. Since The Joker, i’ve never seen a better interpretation of a villain. What inspired you to interpret your character? Kiss from Spain!
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:31): Well, in the comics Loki has so many different faces, and the thing that inspired both myself and Ken Brannagh was his mixture of emotional psychological complexity, and the speed of his mind. So you have somebody who’s capable of thinking and strategizing at the speed of light, but underneath that is a deep well of pain that at any moment threatens to boil over.
Charlotte says to (17:31): How would you sum in 2011 in 4 words?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:32): A really big deal.
test test says to (17:32): What is the worst “thor” pun you’ve heard? Been to any “Loki” events recently?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:33): I heard a limerick which goes something like this: Thor’s the god of thunder / he rides upon his filly / I’m Thor, he cried / His horse replied / Then get a thaddle, thilly!” which I think is basically shocking.
JennyB says to (17:33): You are so wonderful at impressions! Do you have a favorite that you’ve done?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:34): When I was a child I used to do impressions of Shere Khan in The Jungle Book, played by George Sanders. I think he’s probably my all-time favourite.
Carmen says to (17:34): You’ve proven yourself to be one of the most expressive actors on screen recently. Which actors/actresses do you most look up to in terms of style?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:37): Well, I would never say I imitated anyone, beacuse everybody has their own really distinctive personality which comes out in the characters they play. The actors that I’ve been inspired by the most in the course of my life are Daniel Day Lewis, Al Pacino, Robert de Niro, Mark Ruffalo, Peter O’Toole, Anthony Hopkins, John Candy, though I could never possibly get close to his brilliance, Jeff Bridges, and I was a fan long before he played the Dude. I used to love The Fabulous Baker Boys and The Fisher King.
quentinfrappuccino says to (17:38): I’ve got to ask you about the incredible lunch scene in the middle of Joanna Hogg’s Archipelago. It’s one of the most brilliantly observed, squirmingly awkward moments in recent years. Is that level of discomfort hard to generate on screen? Also, what’s your next project with Joanna?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:38): What I find very impressive is when actors give a performance where I can’t see the joins, and I really have no idea how they did it, how they achieved it. I felt that when I saw Michael Fassbender in Hunger and I watched Daniel Day Lewis in There Will Be Blood and marvelled at his artistry. But at the same time, sometimes an actor can do very little and still be very moving, like Johnny Depp in Finding Neverland.
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:39): I think I need to reboot my impression. I think Al Pacino is my favourite. It’s the bit when he’s interviewing Hank Azaria’s character in Heat. “Because she’s got a GREAT ASS - and you’ve got your head ALL THE WAY UP IT”
ILoveLoki says to (17:40): Are you watching any TV shows at the moment? Do you have any you would recommend to anyone?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:41): Sherlock’s great. And back in the day I was a complete 24 addict. I used to buy box sets and I think I got as far as season 5 before I realised I hadn’t seen daylight in a while.
Steven Samurai says to (17:41): Hey Phil, it’s Chris! Anyway, here’s my question: Today, Nick Hewer off The Apprentice became the Countdown host. How do you feel about this seminal moment in British pop culture?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:42): I’m ashamed to say I’ve never seen The Apprentice. Nobody can beat Richard Whiteley.
eibhlinbrennan says to (17:41): What’s your favorite guilty pleasure? (crap tv? bonbons? anything?)
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:44): Really cheesey dance music from the 90s. Or a double-bill of Kindergarten Cop and Twins.
Blanche says to (17:44): You are an amazing Loki, but I loved you also in theatre: Cymbeline, Othello, Ivanov. Will you return on stage? An hug from Pisa!
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:45): Thank you very much, Blanche. I’m so proud of those shows. They taught me so much about acting and Cymbeline, it sounds strange to say this, but that was where I found my mojo again. I can’t wait to get back to the theatre. I’m just waiting for the right thing and the right time.
test test says to (17:46): If you could work with any directors who are no longer with us, which would you like to work with and why?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:47): I’d love to work with David Lean. He’s a master. Kubrick would have been interesting, more than interesting. And gotta be Charlie Chaplin.
wingedhelm says to (17:47): Did you tell Chris Hemsworth that Home and Away was your favourite soap? Was it really Eastenders?

Tom Hiddleston says to (17:48): I suppose the one we all watched in my house was Neighbours. Sorry, Chris. But then I was kind of a later convert to Home & Away, and I still remember the theme tune, so I must have watched it for long enough. There was a day in Jotenheim when he was about to unleash the power of mjolnir on some frost giants, and he heard a voice from behind him, “You know we belong together…” and it was out of tune.
Hannah Yeskel says to (17:49): If you weren’t an actor, what career would you like to try?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:49): I’d love to be a cowboy. Sometimes I think I might give up the whole game and move to a ranch and herd cattle.
test test says to (17:50): If you had your own horse, what would you name him? And why?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:50): I don’t know. I suppose when I met the horse, I would work out what I thought his name was. A bit like children I suppose. I always thought Balthazar was a pretty cool name for a horse though.
Melissa Rocha says to (17:51): is there anyone you’d like to play in a biopic?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:51): Gene Wilder.
SuperEllen says to (17:51): What was your favorite movie of 2011?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:52): It’s a toss-up between The Tree Of Life, Bridesmaids, Warrior, Drive and The Help.
test test says to (17:52): seven people against one in the avengers… how is that fair?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:53): I’m a god. Recalibrate your statistics.
Kamospam says to (17:53): Would you consider yourself a cat or dog person?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:53): I’ve been both, but save one very special cat I’m a dog person.
Blink182010 says to (17:53): Favourite film of all time?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:53): Heat. Because it can withstand so many repeated viewings and every time I find something new in it. And I think De Niro and Pacino are both at the very height of their powers. That scene in the cafe, right at the centre of the film, is what acting’s all about.
test test says to (17:54): I’ve got to ask you about the incredible restaurant scene in the middle of Joanna Hogg’s Archipelago. It’s one of the most brilliantly observed, squirmingly awkward moments in recent years. Was that in the sсript or improv’ed?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:56): It was in the sсript, but as with all Joanna Hogg’s films - or both the ones I’ve worked on with her - the dialogue is unscripted, so it was absolutely planned that the family were incapable of deciding which table to sit down at in a completely empty restaurant, and also that the character of Cynthia is crushingly embarassing in her public complaints to the chef about her undercooked guinea fowl. High stakes and perfect understatement.
dgribble says to (17:55): When you threw RD Jr out that window, were you still in character or enjoying every minute?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:57): dgribble, a mixture of both.
Philip73 says to (17:56): My name means ‘lover of horses’ but I don’t really get on with horses. Can you help? Do carrots work?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:58): Philip, I think carrot is probably the wrong way in. There’s an amazing scene in The Horse Whisperer where Robert Redford sits in the field for an entire day and waits for the horse to come to him. Maybe let the horse come to you? Have patience.
Arileli says to (17:58): Do you have something to say to your fans, The Hiddlestoners ?
Tom Hiddleston says to (17:58): You are amazing and I love you all.
test test says to (17:59): Can we expect a war horse 2?
Tom Hiddleston says to (18:00): Yes, it’s called Peace Pony.
kaleidoscopicmess says to (18:01): What is the most absurd thing about you that’s ever been published?
Tom Hiddleston says to (18:02): That I am married. Not true.
Tom Hiddleston says to (18:04): Thanks for your questions everybody. I hope that was edifying and moderately entertaining. So honoured to be here, thank you very much.